Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Review of third test shoot

What happened?
I went to the balcony to explore different depths of field using a pin hole camera. To do this I decided to use George as a model and simply stand in the same place whilst I shot him using two different cameras. I had no control over the cameras settings for there are none, the result of this was it took me a few tries to achieve a successful image. However I was unable to produce a successful image using the small camera because it was very difficult to find an appropriate exposure time, after five attempts I gave up.
How do I feel it went?
I was disappointed by the end of the shoot because I ran out of time to discover a good exposure time for the smaller box. As a result I do not have a successful image to show you. However, when using the large box it took only two attempts to establish a good time of three and a half minutes. The big issue with only having one successful image is that I have nothing to compare the depth of field with. I feel I will learn from this mistake and now can make an educated guess for the exposure next time other than completely winging it.

Unfortunately, due to me only having one relatively successful image I cannot compare it to anything, however I can analyse this one image. I feel the image has a lack of contrast and therefore is very soft with mostly only greys and very little true blacks and whites. I think this is a result of a too low time of exposure. Next time I use this camera I will have about thirty seconds longer, this will hopefully give the image a better contrast. Because the image must have a very long exposure, it is very easy for the model to be slightly blurred if he or she moves at all, it only takes a slight movement to blur him or her, and my model moved quite a bit, apparent fro the blur. All I can do to stop this is to ask the model to remain completely still which is unlikely. However, the parts of the images that are sharp, are sharp because they do not move.
After understanding how difficult it is to shoot a perfect image using this technique I have learnt that I will not use this method for my final shoot. It is too difficult and time consuming to establish an exposure time. It's also difficult to use trial and error and use the same results another day because the light may have changed and therefore forcing you to start all over again.

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